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The 1ST STEP in selecting the side manway for your storage tank is to determine the proper materials of construction. Your selection will be based on compatibility of the manway components with the chemical(s) being stored. Our manways consist of three parts; the manway itself, the hardware used to mechanically attach the manway to the tank, and the gasketing which is utilized to seal the manway against the tank and to seal the attachment hardware on the inside of the tank. When you select themore
Unit of Measure


Manway Type


Mounting Hardware

C276 (Hastelloy)




24 "

Add-On Options

1) C276 Cover Hardware 2) 5" Long Hardware

Add-On Options

5" Long Hardware (QUOTE)C276 Cover Hardware (QUOTE)

Fitting Construction

Premium grade vinyl ester resin, Nexus and C-Veil + 2 mats to build up 100 mil resin rich corrosion liner, manufactured to conform to PS 15-69 & ASTM D5421

Other Accessories

Our customers who purchase Flanged Tank Adapters are also interested in the following accessories:
  • Fiberglass Access Ladders
  • Independent and Tank Mounted Pipe Supports
  • Large Flanged Tank Adapters
  • Large Mushroom Vents
  • Fume-Tight Manway Covers with Inspection Ports
  • Fume Scrubbers
  • Seismic Restraint Systems and Stamped Calculations